Friday, August 23, 2019

"Hello" for a new Indiana Hoosier

At the beginning of April this year (2019) I packed up my dogs and belongings and decided to move to a place I'd never even heard of before. The only city of Richmond I'd known was in Virginia. Turns out, Richmond, INDIANA, located right next to Ohio, offers a charming combination of 
friendly people, 
low crime and crazy affordable housing, 
and enough historically significant and cool places... visit to tempt even a Maryland transplant like me. 
 A dog owner, children's book author/illustrator and semi-retired children's muralist,
I wanted room for my high energy dogs to play,
...with a price tag that allows me to pursue my greatest passions: art, writing & teaching. 
But, since most of my family, and my only child and his family live West in Utah & California,
I also need convenient commuting options:
which this area provides as well, with 4 easily accessible airports.
Since I think more folks would love it here, if THEY KNEW ABOUT IT,
this blog will be dedicated to showing reasons why you should consider living,
raising a family and/or retiring in this little known gem of an area,
Wayne County, Indiana!